Title: Man I Used to Be
Rating: R
Spoilers: Up through 2x07
Pairing: Alec Hardison/ Eliot Spencer
Genre: Drama
Warnings: WIP
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue, don't take this too seriously.
Summary: The present's a mess, and the past isn't helping.
A/N: Whew! Okay... Finally hitting the home stretch!
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Comments 41
The ending of this chapter was a beautiful release of tension. God bless Sophie.
Is it vindictive of me to relish that Nate really, really did not know what was going on? It happens so rarely that I can't help but enjoy it, even though it's torn up the team some. I have faith, though. Right on for Nate trying to buy flowers, too.
It was undeniably an angsty chapter, but I feel the upswing and I'm excited to see where that goes.
I wouldn't say vindictive, not at all! :) He's only human, even if he *thinks* he's infallible.
I'm really hoping to axe the angst coming up pretty soon, here. Hopefully this will work....*starts scribbling notes*
Hopefully I'll be able to put them back together in another chapter or so. :)
I'm delighted I got to read this on my day off. Thank you for not making Sophie the enemy.
Angst is a good word for this chapter, but they are finally getting it together, ththank goodness. I'll be completely happy when the boys work out their issues and get together.
You've done an excellent job with this fic!
I actually considered making Sophie the enemy for a while, there, but she's just too damned cool for that. :)
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