Thanks for the heads up! Would you mind, terribly, checking it again? I think I have it fixed, as it's appearing okay on my screen, but who knows, I've been having issues all night.
Yeah, I'm really not sure how much longer they're going to let me get away with torturing them like this, though they're perfectly welcome to come over here and try to stop me. :)
Y'know, if a worm hole would open up in the middle of Cardiff, we would NOT read about it in the papers. Torchwood would dee to that. *lol* And I was all flaily and wibbly because Alec and Eliot finally seem to go somewhere, and bam! poor Alec gets snatched! And they, whoever they are, want to see Eliot crawl. Oh shit. *bites nails*
Yeah, well, I figure in Alec's mind, him vs. Torchwood would be one hell of a fight, but he probably thinks he'd win. Long as that pesky tardis didn't show up. :)
Though, who knows. Way things are going for these two, it might not be the worst thing...
And I see your hinting, there. Unfortunately, I probably won't get to get started on the next chapter until Sunday, but. Who knows. Still hoping to have it out before I head out for xmas related family DOOM. :)
Comments 23
Thanks for the heads up!
EDIT: Success!
Might want to check the post, the formatting seems a little off. No returns showing up, just dense words without paragraphs.
Poor poor Eliot and Hardison!
Yeah, I'm really not sure how much longer they're going to let me get away with torturing them like this, though they're perfectly welcome to come over here and try to stop me. :)
This is seriously good.
btw- went back in and redid the formatting. Again. And it seemed to hold this time. But thanks for the heads up. :)
And I was all flaily and wibbly because Alec and Eliot finally seem to go somewhere, and bam! poor Alec gets snatched! And they, whoever they are, want to see Eliot crawl. Oh shit. *bites nails*
Though, who knows. Way things are going for these two, it might not be the worst thing...
I believe Eliot is going to flip the hell out when he realizes he wasn't stood up. It'd be nice to know for sure.
*hinting that next chapter should be posted now!*
And I see your hinting, there. Unfortunately, I probably won't get to get started on the next chapter until Sunday, but. Who knows. Still hoping to have it out before I head out for xmas related family DOOM. :)
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