Title: Man I Used to Be
By: Jendavis
Rating: R
Spoilers: Up through 2x07
Pairing: Alec Hardison/ Eliot Spencer
Genre: Drama
Warnings: WIP
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue, don't take this too seriously.
Summary: The present's a mess, and the past isn't helping.
A/N: In the interest of getting this posted, I ran a quick spell check, but didn't do much
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Comments 21
Loved the ferryman/Styx analogy here! Aw, poor Eliot...
*waits nnot-so-patiently for next chapter*
*is sure that there's gonna be a cliffhanger AGAIN*
This one was accidental, pretty much. i didn't have the time to finish off, so I had to leave it hanging.
But don't worry. I know what I'm doing with the next part, more or less, and it should be comparatively chill. ;)
And you're totally right about Mama and Papa. The others are so totally the other kids in trouble. Parker's the youngest, and Eliot's the oldest, and Hardison's the hyperactive middle kid.
It totally works!
And poor Eliot! *cuddles him and wraps him in a blanket* At least they got him out of there!
Don't worry, though. Should chill out fairly soon.
Oh, man, poor Eliot! He's just *gone*! I do love his inner monologue, painful as it is. Bless my baby's heart!!
And your Hardison and Parker are fantastic! Hardison as Geek Bond is awesome, and Parker is just, well, she's Parker.
Now, FIX THIS!!!
But. Yes. On my way to start fixing it. *shuffles back to the writing desk*
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