Title: Man I Used to Be
Rating: PG-13 for now
By: Jendavis
Spoilers: Up through 2x07
Pairing: Alec Hardison/ Eliot Spencer
Genre: Drama?
Warnings: WIP
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue, don't take this too seriously.
Summary: The present's a mess, and the past isn't helping.
Chapter 1 (
Chapter 2 )
Had this entire late-season-Scully meets mid-series-Willow vibe goin' on. Who is this Joan and where can I find her? :D Amazing.
You have me twisting in the wind with these MysteryPeople. *squirms* Patience is Key!
Here's a clue!
They *must* have a librarian in Atlantis, right?
And I'm already sensing other library chaos- the self-checkout/ electronic book drop things don't work and need shooting. John having to explain the dewey classification system. And if the library has those electronic moving shelves, there could even be a star wars-style trash compactor scene. And would Ronon think it strange to sit in on children's story time?
And would Ronon think it strange to sit in on children's story time?
Not if they were reading "Where the Wild Things Are." ((g)) I can see him at story hour with John and Torren while Teyla and Kanaan have a "date" day.
I fear for the self-checkout machines which are prone to malfunctioning if customers don't allow time for the laser to scan the bar codes on the books. I've wanted to shoot them myself!
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