Title: Time Baby
Rating: PG-13
By: Jendavis
Spoilers: Up through Reunion
Pairing: Sheppard/Dex
Genre: Ah, not the very short crackfic that I originally intended. ;)
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue, don't take this too seriously.
Summary: This is for
gaffsie's request, who, in response to my request for requests, responded: "Did someone say '
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I did love Teyla as the cool aunt ('cause you know she would be) and Ronon crushing on Carter. And The Ancients Were Idiots lecture is still on the server. was hysterical. I could just hear Rodney saying this.
Your usual great job!
(So, eh, does this mean chocolate-covered Ronon is up next?)
Yes, please, chocolate and Ronon next! I've had a darn crazy week, and a little Ronon lovin' is what I need. (g)
Oh, and does Ronon ever get to see those pics???? Or is Sheppard going to save them for his own private enjoyment.
John, naked, yes!
Also: stay tuned for the smut... :)
I'm still jonesing on Ronon, chocolate and naked John ... naked Ronon isn't a bad idea, either!
Okay, now back to what's *really* important -- John, Ronon, and chocolate! Can't wait to get what I crave!
And-oh- hey. Chocolate covered Ronon- my brain just went somewhere awesome with that. We'll see what comes of it.
But yes. Up next is the total ronon/john/chocolate smutfest. Let's see if I can pull it off without sending either of the into the infirmary. :)
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