Title: Flash of the Blade
Rating: PG-13
By: Jenda Vis
Spoilers: Up through Reunion
Pairing: Sheppard/Dex
Genre: Drama, WIP
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue, don't take this too seriously.
Summary: Sheppard can't figure Ronon out. Or his motives.
A/N: I'm really not thrilled with this chapter, so if you've got any concrit you could
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Comments 8
Once again, another cliffhanger! Something's off and I'm trying to figure out who had their fingers around Ronon's throat. And is that (person, entity, whatever) going to make an attempt on Sheppard, too?
Keep writing! But you deserve a day off. No hostage taking on Easter. Just a pic of Ronon in the sunshine. :-)
And now there's a wrench in the works. Somebody's clearly *very* worried about what Ronon knows! Hmmm…
Again, I'm on the edge of my seat. But don't worry about me, I'll just perch here … and wait …
wryting storiezz iz haard. *staggers off to find coffee*
It's good though. Needed a kick in the pants to get my editing glasses back on (for this, and for the Jayne/Ronon chapter I hope to have posted later tonight). So again, gracias!
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