Title: Flash of the Blade
Rating: PG
By: Jenda Vis
Spoilers: Up through Reunion
Pairing: Sheppard/Dex
Genre: Drama, WIP
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue, don't take this too seriously.
Summary: Sheppard can't figure Ronon out. Or his motives.
A/N: Another WIP. Hopefully the plot won't all fall apart before I get there. :)
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Comments 6
It wasn't home, though, and hopefully, after another hundred and forty days or so, never would be.
Sounds like Ronon's got some kind of plan. Just too bad he didn't, you know, clue anybody else in on it! (*smacks the pretty Satedan*)
And poor John, wandering around all lonely and sad like a li'l lost puppy. Too bad he can't, you know, manage to let Ronon know how he feels about him!
Honestly, these guys just so deserve each other!! Where's Teyla (and her eyebrows) to smack some sense into them?
Oh, yeah, have I mentioned that I'm hooked? ;-)
And there will also be smacking of at least one of the boys. Though by smacking, I mean shooting.
And by soon, I mean, phase one of the whumping will commence in about two minutes, when I post the next chapter. *cues all sorts of suspenseful, doomy music* :)
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