Title: I Am The Weapon (a.k.a. Miles To Go Before We Sleep Together)
Rating: R for this section. NC-17 for the series.
By: Jenda Vis
Spoilers: Oh, all the way through to the bitter end. Seriously. Pretty much every episode.
Genre: Episode Tags
Warnings: Unbetaed AND it's the first thing (well, er, things) I've ever written of my own free will.
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Comments 15
War of the Worlds?
"War of the Worlds." I *am* a librarian.
A very distracted librarian. Oooh, baby! Kind of a "From Here to Eternity" moment there in the sand. And clever, too, knowing that Jason Mamoa is a surfer. I'm dreading the end of this, however. <> I'll have to read it all over again ... and watch the eps to go with.
I'm torn on the end of it- it's been fun to write, but there's other stuff I want to work on too...
Okay, it's 7:11. that's a good time to crash the heck out.
Also, originally, they were going to listen to 100 years of solitude, but it didn't really fit as well. In my head. Which is tired now. :)
You just may have redeemed this show for me. :D
It was actually really hard not to have some sort emergency- like a drowning or some crisis back in Atlantis that required their attention, just because I got so used to writing around them. *shrug*
It was fun to write, though.
This was gorgeous. I love how you explore John and Ronon's characters and their relationship. And I love the tidbits of information you give us about Satedan culture.
(I guessed War of the Worlds too, even though I've never read the book or heard to the radio broadcast!)
And next time I reference a book, I'm totally coming up with something way harder. You all are far too savvy. ;)
Working on it!
Looks like I'll have to hurt Ronon ... Oh, the perils of fanfic writers!
Editing now, so the new IATW should be up later this evening.
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