Title: Insomnia Fandom/Pairing: SGA: Sheppard/Dex Rating: NC-17 Summary: Ronon can't sleep. Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue, don't take this too seriously. A/N: esteefee wanted insomniac sparring smut; I think I just wanted an excuse...
omg you are the BESTEST of BBs to me <3 <3 <3 You not only give me hot sparring sexitiems, you give me Ronon all claustrophobic and John all frustrated and them burning off their need in slooowww incredibly hot sex (not to mention the awesome sparring. So vivid in my mind's eye!)
BESTEST!!! ♥ John leaning back and Ronon changing the pace on him and just nnnngh. and the drowning out the silence! <3
and the end! with the necklace! a;sdlkf;aslkdfjslakd so *many* <3s
W00t! (Long crazy week=long delayed reply, after thinking mistakenly(?) that I'd already done so. Ah well.) Glad you liked! The prompt was mad genius, and I was kind of chomping at the bit to do a one-shot, what with the current WIP taking forever and a freakin' day to get though.
Plus, you know. Writing sparring smut is it's own reward. :) But I'm super glad you liked it! *hugs*
Comments 11
BESTEST!!! ♥ John leaning back and Ronon changing the pace on him and just nnnngh. and the drowning out the silence! <3
and the end! with the necklace! a;sdlkf;aslkdfjslakd so *many* <3s
thank you!
Plus, you know. Writing sparring smut is it's own reward. :) But I'm super glad you liked it! *hugs*
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