Title: As Far As The Eye Can See
Fandom/ Pairing: Leverage: Alec Hardison/Eliot Spencer
Rating: PG
A/N: Written for
lmx_v3point3, who was awesome enough to take me up on my
fandomaid offering, and generous enough to donate for an awesome cause. Thanks dearie!!! *hugs* I really hope that you like it!
Summary: Alec's vision isn't what he wants it to be, and he's got things
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Comments 11
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My eyes are just bad enough that I wear glasses for driving, and I didn't even get them until I was in my 20s. Reading is fine, reading whiteboards or anything at a distance is kind of a drag. And heck, if I had better insurance, *I'd* go get lasik, just to stop futzing with the glasses. :)
It would be a great promotion for any eye clinic, though. Free Scruffy Heartthrob with Purchase! (While supplies last.)
Your Hardison is amazing!
I wear glasses for driving and reading sometimes (Have more problems with distance, whiteboards in college used to give me headaches). I've had them for a while now, and I'm used to them, but it would be nice to be able to just buy cheap sunglasses off the rack for once in my life and still be able to drive in them. :)
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