Title: What Else Would You Have Me Be?
Fandom & Pairing: Leverage; Alec Hardison/ Eliot Spencer
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue, don't take this too seriously.
Summary: Some jobs changed the team for the better. Some, for the worse, and San Lorenzo hadn't been the first kind. But maybe it hadn't been the second, either.
A/N: It's
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Comments 39
I love the fact that Eliot is loosing it when Hardison is mock shot, lol. So this is plan M ;).
I really loved this chapter, great closing all loose ends, nice use of agent McSweeten (he is so funny). Nate in the hospital was awesome!
Do I have to say anything about the Epilogue? I don't think so, they finally got it together, yay for that.
Now I can go back and read the whole thing in one go...when is the next one coming? ;)
Great work, as usual! Looking forward to more!
McSweeten is all sorts of adorkable, even if Parker thinks otherwise. And Nate actually surprised me, I'd thought he'd let it go until I was in the middle of writing that part. :)
I'm already working on my fic for thebigbangjob, so that'll be coming down the line- in October- but I'll inevitably be doing some smaller stories between now and then as well, since I'm going to have this thing done in a matter of weeks and October is sooooo far away. :)
I can hardly wait. Yay for BB season.
But yeah. October's going to be a fun ready month, there are something like 24 people writing for it. I'm probably going to lose an entire weekend or two to just reading. It's going to rock!
Now if the nook only supported graphic novels, without me spending ages and ages converting cbr files that never display quite large enough...
I don't even know where to start! And yay for McSweetie! Another collar to advance his rising career. *g*
Loved that Eliot kinda went beserker when Alec got "shot," but that he was able to rein himself in. And Nate's "have him home by midnight." *snicker*
And the epilogue. Guh. I may have needed some ice water there … ;)
Great ride, as always. Go you!
Yeah. Eliot may have a few issues, these days. Some kind of overprotective streak when it comes to his boooyfrieeeend. And of course Nate would pick up on it. :)
I kinda *heart* McSweetie. One of these days I want to write an entire Leverage job fic from his POV, as soon as I figure out how to do it.
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