Marriage Equality Does Not Hurt Anyone.

Apr 09, 2009 12:16

I first saw This Hateful Ad yesterday afternoon after receiving a Twitter update about it's existence. I watched in stunned silence. These actors were paid to act like everyone's lives are in peril just because laws allowing for marriage equality are finally being passed.

Get a clue, people. Allowing same-sex couples to marry is a beautiful thing! It is a legal affirmation of the love two people share! Love is a beautiful thing, and no person has the right to tell others who they are and are not allowed to love. Marriage equality does not threaten your life, it allows more Americans to have "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness" - it is very UN-American, UN-Patriotic, and UN-Christian of those who are so hatefully protesting marriage equality to try and dictate this sort of thing for others.

Hate is an ugly thing. People who perpetuate hate are ugly people. The world is full of beauty, and these hateful people are trying to drown the beauty of the world with their ugliness and negativity. Guess what? If lawmakers (often influenced by the whining of the hateful) hadn't spent so much time freaking out about people's personal lives, they might have instead paid attention to what was going on in the financial sector. If people put nearly as much time and energy into finding cures for diseases, feeding the homeless, or saving the environment as they do into battling people's right to be in love, the world would not be in the sorry state it is in today. Tell me: did Jesus ask his followers to go forth and spread fear and hatred? I didn't think so.

ETA: I would like to mention that bodlon does a much better job of expressing just what is wrong with the ad and the mentality behind it than I.

societal rant, political, civil rights, links, lgbtq rights

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