On a quiet, snowy day.

Jan 19, 2009 15:24

I love the silence of falling snow, the stillness that overtakes the atmosphere while there is so much beautiful, swirling, dancing snow. It is so peaceful to just sit and watch, with some nice mellow music playing in he background. To reflect on the good things that we have in life, and realize that we don't need to stress as much as we do over the challenges we face. To just enjoy some simple beauty for what it is, and rediscover the wonder in the world which was lost to so many people after they grew too old to appreciate the magic that surrounds us.

So many people I know are going through difficult and challenging situations right now. We have had some pretty steep hills to climb of late as well. And while appreciating the small things in life doesn't make other stresses go away, it does help to remind one that there is more to life than the things which we tend to focus all of our attention on. There is beauty everywhere, whether it be the smile of a child, the purring of a cat, a patten in the clouds, or swirling snow settling softly to the ground.

optimism, weather

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