Mysterious Spot of Satan

Sep 29, 2007 13:53

So yesterday morning, the old guy that lived in the apartment under ours and hated loud noise died.

This morning, Heerichan and I wake up and look in our computer room/study, and there's this mysterious streak of dark gray on the carpet of the floor that may have been above his room (as the construction of the apartments tends to be parallel). It isn't ink, and nothing spilled (wtf would we be doing that would spill gray, in any case?!) and it's almost like graphite, but with no pencil pieces.

She cleaned it, so now it's just a medium-gray spot, but it still appeared from nowhere. She thinks it might be a "dead demon" coming up through the floor, I'm fond of the theory of it being the jerky dead-guy's essence.

Aside from mysterious Satan-spots popping up, things are very good! Work is pretty enjoyable most of the time, and I recovered from my severe cold (it lasted like a week and a half, and for most of it I couldn't talk-- I sounded like a monster).

Also, next week I turn twenty-two! I feel oldish. More just startled, though.

Oh, and I actually started writing fanfiction again-- this is very odd because I haven't written that in like, six years... I'm working on a DeathNote fic. It as yet has no purpose other than randomness. And the concept of invisible genius poker, where you play without cards... Or it will when I post that part.

Aside from that, I go to work in an hour, so bye!
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