
Mar 16, 2007 16:57

Okay! New things happened. (What's up with me and writing twice in one month? Weird.)

First, while dad was shopping at my FM a few days ago, he suffered a minor heart-attack-- he didn't know at the time that's what it was, just thought it was indigestion. Luckily, in the emergency room they lost his EKG, so had to re-run it, and when they re-ran it they discovered that he was in the process of having a second heart-attack at the time. Because he likes fatty food and fried food, he had a blocked artery. They got him into surgery within the hour and he spent the last few days in recovery with Steph and I hanging out with him off and on to keep him company.

He's now convinced himself that it wasn't because of the blocked artery due to years of bad eating habits, but was some reaction to his new medication, and they were just being dramatic. I don't know how he convinced himself of that, but at least he's planning to eat better anyway, so I suppose the self-denial isn't fatal.

On a happy note, Stephnike helped me clean last night! The bathroom looks so much better, and Nike got my desk area and the living room happy, so I just some touch-up cleaning and it smells good. Living with dad and his bachelor habits wore at me to the point I'd given up, but I'll try to keep things cleaner now.

Also, I've finally got a general date for my move! I'm going down to Portland in the end of June. Heerichan and I are getting an apartment (we're shopping around for one next weekend) so we'll be playing house on our own. I'm nervous, but excited and happy too. I got a spice rack for Christmas! I actually enjoy cooking now, and want to make up a 'Bite me' apron. I have this weird thing where from books and too much TV, I have this mental idea of what people with their own place should do, so I want everything to smell like apples and us to have food and a study for our small library of books. (We have seven shelves between us, I think, and I figure we'll need at least four more. Well, three if I get rid of the books I got from grandma over the years that I never plan to read). I think it'd be fun to eventually have a weapons rack too, and fill it. (I have a spiked stave, a set of knives hidden in a wand and an old-school spiked-ball wood-handled flail. Heerichan would probably be happy with some leather flails and a whip. *laughs*)

That's all for now, but aside from worrying about dad (though he's doing fine now, aside from being tired and being off work two weeks for recovery time) I'm feeling good right now. *thumbs up*

Also, my work gave dad a get-well card, some roses and a balloon. That's really sweet, but the card says something like, 'with love always from the Fred Meyer crew' and the inside advocates drinking gin as a way to make you feel better. As Heeri pointed out, possibly not the best cure for a heart-attack...
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