Tagged by taldragon Association Meme: Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.
You post and he gives you five things he associates with you.
Then you make a post that he "tagged" you and you write about the five things and how you interpret them as they relate to you? Something like that, anyway.
Like, in the above, now Tal has to write bits about Purple, Gathers, London, GIANT BEANBAG OF SMOOSHING/DOOM and Cookies!
You post and he gives you five things he associates with you.
Then you make a post that he "tagged" you and you write about the five things and how you interpret them as they relate to you? Something like that, anyway.
Like, in the above, now Tal has to write bits about Purple, Gathers, London, GIANT BEANBAG OF SMOOSHING/DOOM and Cookies!
and for commenting you get a list of 5 things that i think of when i think of you ^_^
You then post this in your LJ with an explination of the words i give you.
so here you are
just that the 2 people who have, happen to have a liking of purple
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