last days of san diego

Nov 03, 2009 21:50

I've been failing to do anything lj-ish for so long it feels quite strange to be posting something. Also, my computer has acquired at least three separate ailments and will probably be going into the shop while I finish packing (and boy, do I have a lot of packing to do in the next week, so it may be awhile yet before I exist again... not to mention that I seem to have myself picked up a strange ailment).

San Diegans, I'll be around unti the 12th. I might try to sneak in a visit to the Zoo or Wild Animal Park -- if anyone wants to come (or, you know, go to dinner or have tea or whatnot), please ping me? Preferably by phone, considering the whole computer thing. There are several people I'd love to see before I leave town.

Everyone else, please wish me luck with the packing... I am... not exactly inspired at the moment. But I miss you all! And I'll be back someday. Maybe even soon.

travel, admin, life is complicated

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