dear world

Jul 04, 2009 01:01

Have been away from livejournal for so long that in my attempts to catch up, I actually reached the skip=720 mark and had a ways back to go still, but couldn't because that's apparently as far back as lj goes. And I was skimming in any case, so if there's anything I should read more carefully from the last month or two (I'm not even sure when I stopped, except that it probably had something to do with a spot of firefox failure), please let me know.

Thanks, everyone, for all the birthday wishes last weekend! I still have a bunch of emails I owe responses to and plan to write over the weekend, plus a handful of meme answers to put together so I can finally post them. Hopefully I'll mange to get back on top of my to-do list (including the posting and reading of lj entries, among things like job searching and cleaning and packing, and possibly dayshifting) very, very soon...

I miss you all!

Also, happy Fourth! I have no idea what I'm going to do.

Oh, and, I'm back in San Diego. Whee? If anyone feels like going to the Zoo or Wild Animal Park (I still have one guest pass left!) please let me know! I'm also up for tea or movies or general hanging out or whatnot. I can't spend all my time avoiding jobsearching and such, after all.

day in the life, state of mind

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