This past week or so has been pretty much non-stop running around and TA-work and HP7 and gaming and a little bit of life. I haven't even really gotten a chance to catch my breath and pack, which will be a serious problem next week. I also haven't had a chance to catch up on LJ in days and I probably won't for awhile, because I'll be attending my
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the last Strangers in Paradise pocket book (all done! mrph)
Fables (bought the first 2 trades)
Y: The Last Man (bought the first 2 trades)
Fray, Serenity (they were on sale, I couldn't resist)
the first Laurell K Hamilton Anita Blake: Guilty Pleasures trade (just to see what it's like)
Runaways (everyone was sold out of the first pocket book, argh)
Birds of Prey (need to find the beginning)
Batman: Year One
The Outsiders/Batman and the Outsiders (the recent run)
Spider-man Loves Mary Jane (Terry Moore is going to be writing some of this, and some Runaways, and Joss Whedon did the previous section of Runaways)
Teen Titans (if I can figure out which ones to get)
Secret Six (ditto)
I have some other DC Comics titles to figure out and possibly pick up, too.
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