Aug 09, 2003 01:14
.day of the week.: Sunday (as of lately, it's my day off)
.least favorite day.: um, lots of them. when I work too much.
.flower: pretty ones?
.jello flavor.: cherry
.special skills/talents.: I can um. nuts I got nothing.
.shampoo.: alberto strawberries and cream sorts
.summer/winter.: summer
.trampolines/swimming pools.: trampoline
.called you.: no one calls me. probably Luke, I bet.
.slept in your bed.: Luke, duh
.saw you cry.: Luke
.made you cry.: Luke, not intentionally though
.went to the movies with you.: Luke
.you yelled at.: Luke?
.sent you an email.: the swear guy
.said I Love You and meant it.: every day
.gone out in public in your pajamas.: not for a while
.kept a secret from everyone.: yes
.cried during a movie.: once or twice
.planned your week based on the TV Guide.: hah with what TV?
.been on stage.: in elementary school
.been to New York.: lived there once
.been to California.: no I was gonna go last summer, but I went to Texas instead
.Hawaii.: yeah
.Mexico.: yeah
.China.: nope
.Asia.: nope
.South America.: nope
.Australia.: nope
.wished you were the opposite sex.: every month!
.what time is it now.: 1:20am
.apples or bannanas.: bananas
.blue or red.: blue
.walmart or target.: walmart
.spring or fall.: spring
.what are you going to do after you type this.: um, who knows
.what was the last meal you ate.: Swiss Chalet for dinner
.are you bored.: obviously
.last noise you heard.: ferrets fighting/playing
.do you believe in love at first sight.: infatuation, yes
.do you want children someday.: one day
.most important thing to you in a friendship.: honesty, trust and the sorts
.do you speak any other languages.: nope
.last book you read.: The Anatomy of Motive by John Douglas
.name some of your favorite things in your bedroom.: computer, dressers, couch, monkeys
.things you dislike most about yourself.: I work too much, I sometimes forget what's important, I'm too judgemental of myself
.worst feeling in the world.: losing ones you love
.who you love.: Luke, Marlena, and all my friends
.who you miss.: LUKE!
.how old do you look.: 19?
.how old do you act.: 89?
.glasses/contacts.: none
.braces.: for too long
.do you have any pets.: Kitty, and at my Mom's, Mickey and the ferrets
.you get embarrassed.: sometimes
.what makes you happy.: Luke, friends, good times!
.i love to.: sleep and cuddle Luke all day
.i miss.: cuddling all day
.i wish.: I'd shut up
.i hope.: things work out nice like
.i am annoyed by.: lack of money and time
.i am.: tired
.i want to be.: sleeping
.i would never.: give up
.i'd rather be.: on an island of sorts
.i'm tired of.: working so much
.i will always be.: me
.movie you saw.: Phonebooth
.phone number you called.: home
.last show you watched on tv.: a bit of Boston Public
.thought you were going to die.: not really
.wanted to run away.: every day
.flunked a grade.: half of one
.skipped a grade.: nope