(no subject)

Mar 09, 2004 17:18

Walkmann10: wherever you damn well please!
Jennilicious x0x: *pout* dont shout.
Walkmann10: lol wasn't shouting. i'm sorry i scared you. let's never fight again! i hate when we do this :-(
Walkmann10: :'(
Jennilicious x0x: i know, i just cant handle this, i want to scream
Walkmann10: you make me feel so little when we argue. i like being tall. WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME!?!?!??!?!?!?:'(
Jennilicious x0x: why do you have to act like it's all my fault. try putting yourself in my shoes, then maybe you can open your eyes up and see what an asshole you are!
Walkmann10: it is all ur fault. when are you going to realize that you think nothing is every your fault! you've been like this ever since your step dad kidnapped you when you were 6! get over it sister. we have sob story and i'm tired of yours! who hasn't been kidnapped as a kid? i used to be kidnapped 8 times a week.
Jennilicious x0x: LET'S NOT DABBLE INTO THE PAST BUDDY, should i remind you of all the late nights i had to hold you cuz of your nightmares from the past of you wetting your bed and your father giving you kisses for it?! AND YES, IT IS ALL YOUR FAULT!
Walkmann10: oh we're bringing up touchy subjects eh? how about how you became an anorexia because as a kid you couldn't fit into your barbies clothes? you were fat i'll give you that but who was it that beat the crap out of you until you ate? ME! but lets not talk about how i've always been there for you. kinda like how i paid entirely FOR YOUR SEX CHANGE WHEN YOU WERE 22!!!!!!
Jennilicious x0x: want to try and remember why you paid for it?!?! yeah that's right, cuz you couldn't stand the fact that I was of the opposite sex!
Jennilicious x0x: no, i'm always there for you
Jennilicious x0x: This jock strap I'm wearing right now, FOR YOU! Now don't tell me I'm never there for you!
Walkmann10: ur right... i did want you as a guy... but that doesn't mean that ur not better off now cuz look how happy you are! you can thank me for that
Walkmann10: hahaha
Walkmann10: well i have to go... BECAUSE OF YOU!!! i'll talk to you later.
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