And in other news!

Feb 01, 2006 08:56

I completely forgot! I'm doing a show! Well, not yet, but I will be in March. A couple of the Hamlet guys are part of a production of Oscar Wilde's 'Salome' and they asked me to be in it.
I'm going to be part of the ensemble and will play many bit parts (such as Philistine and Second Jew on the Left *g*). It should prove to be fun!

The guy who played Hamlet will be playing John the Baptist, the gal who played Maria when I did West Side STory will be playing Salome. And Hamlet's stage manager will be choregraphing the Dance of the Seven Veils.

I'm intrigued by what Marcus, the producer/director, has in store for us. I did a production of Tis Pity She's a Whore with him a few years ago and it was such a cool experience! And of course Hamlet was one of the most incredible theatre experiences I've ever had!

The best thing about the show, though, is that with tech week, it's only a three week rehearsal process and then three weeks of shows. Start to finish it will be 6 weeks!

It feels so good to have a show again! Now if only my brother would finish working on my piano, I could get some music arranged for the Ladyhood!
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