Nov 19, 2005 22:28
1. Sleep with or without clothes on?: usually without unless i pass out drunk haha.
2. Prefer black or blue pens?: Black definitely.
3. Dress up on Halloween?: nahh
4. Like to travel? yeah but i don't much. definitely something i wanna do when i'm older and have time.
5. Like someone?: I doo
6. Do they know?: yeaa i guess
7. Who sleeps with you every night?: no one boo
8. Do you think you're attractive? nahh geez.
9. Want to get married?: Yepp
10. To?: the "one"
11. Are you a good student?: Yes
12. Are you currently happy?: i'm a little happy. could be much happier
13. Have you ever cheated?: nahh
14. Birthplace?: somers point, nj
15. Christmas or Halloween?: christmas i guess. i don't really know.. there's that feeling that christmas brings, but at the same time halloween is always fun cause i get all drunk with my friends
16. Colored or black-and-white photo?: black and white looks so much more artsy.
17. Do long distance relationships work?: if the couple wants it to, yes
18. Do you believe in astrology?: i'd like to but ehh.
19. Do you believe in yourself? yesss
20. Do you believe in love at first sight?: nahh
21. Do you consider yourself the life of the party?: haha yeah bitches
22. Do you drink?: i do i doooo
23. Do you make fun of people?: haha yeahh but in good fun. not like mean ass comments, that's rude
24. Do you think dreams eventually come true?: i sure as hell hope so.
25. Favorite fictional character: ehh
26. Go to the movies or rent?: renting is better if you're watching it with someone special, going is good too though.
27. Have you ever moved?: nahh
28. Where's the best place you lived? uhh, hemlock dr.
29. How's the weather right now? it's 10:30 so it's chillier out than it was earlier, obviously
30. Last time you showered? approximately 4 hours ago
31. Do you lick yogurt lids? yessah
32. Whole, 2 %, 1 %, or skim? wholeeee.
33. Loud or Soft Music?: LouUUUD
34. McDonalds or Burger King? ever since i saw supersize me i convinced myself that burger king is better for me, so BK
35. Night or day? completely night
36. Number of Pillows? dos por favor
37. Piano or guitar? guitar
38. Future job?: not sure..
39. Current job?: acme nigga.
40. Current love?: my friends....
41. Current longing?: some lovin'
42. Current disappointment? dudes.
43. Current annoyance?: my back is hurting in one spot bad as hell.
44. Last thing you ate?: ravioli
45. Last thing you bought?: beeeer, or maybe cigs. either or
46. Most recent thing you are looking forward to?: phone call to head out to a partayyy
47. What are you hearing right now?: Baby I love your way - big mountain
48. Plans for this weekend?: well it is the weekend soo. im drinking, and plan on drinking more. weee. and work
49. What did you do today?: woke up around 12, went to work 1-6... came home showered.. relaxed, drink a little beersss
50. Pick a lyric, any lyric or song: all i need to know is that i'm something you'll be missing