There's nothing like a new haircut

Nov 21, 2001 14:33

Well it's my last day off, and I suppose I feel remarkably relaxed considering. Very annoyed however that my last two days off have been spent sorting out Jason-related crap, which is a total waste of my time, not to mention a lot of other people's. I have had his friends, his friend's kid, his estranged wife, her friend, all in my flat. I don't really know any of them very well, and they're all very nice and we make more than polite chit chat, but now Jason's gone I want to get on with having the place to myself. I rang the estate agent yesterday and said "hey, my flatmate ran away to America, but don't worry because I can still pay the rent," and he seemed to think the whole thing was hilarious. Imagained an undertaker (or former undertaker) couldn;t possibly have done something THAT craazyyy. Hmm...well, yeah. I switch from wanting to kill Jason one minute, to kind of forgiving him the next. I'm too nice like that. But I guess at least if the money side of thing gets sorted I can't slag him off for leaving me in the lurch. Lately I've just been annoyed there are things of his which I don't want and the boys won't take, which leaves me to sell or chuck them out, and I don't like having that responsibility.
Plus the two days of wasted holiday with my house full of people I don't know, but hey, life goes on..
And hey, I got a new haircut, which is lovely. I know, I know, I must seem like on of those people who splits up with their man and then goes and has an image change! Nah, not at all that drastic. But I did have a lot of hair chopped. It's not quite short and all swept forward at the front with a side parting. I like it lots :)
Things with Ed and I are sorted pretty much. We had a really nice evening together on Monday but there are still a few things need resolving for the future. Things with the two of us are never, ever simple...
I've spent this morning writing my School Disco review for the Advertiser. Made me realise how much I like writing light hearted stuff like that, it's nice.
Anyway, it's nearing 3pm and I haven't had a ciggy all day because I ran out last night. Time to go to the shops. Oh yes, addiction is a terrible thing..
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