Oct 31, 2001 21:47
Hey, hi hello, ciao, bonjour.
Don't know why but I just have this overwhelming sense of happiness, content and calm today. I'm finding it a little strange because I normally have at least one thing to be worried about, bitching about or stressing over. But no, this evening Jen's sorted, so that's great.
Had a relatviely easy deadline day at work, and glad the busy part of the week's now over. Spoke to Ed O'Daly last night. He proposed to Lis at the weekend and she of course said yes, so I'm delighted for them. It's such great news and they're a lovely couple. Made me grin all day, really it did. Great to see someone that nice so happy.
Spoke to Danielle this evening. She is such a sweetheart. I really miss her, but she's seriously sorting her life out while she's over there and that's brilliant. We're trying to speak at least once a week. When we're nattering on the phone it's so easy to forget she's in Belgium and not round the corner anymore.
I can hear fireworks outside. It's not bloody bonfire night for another five days you retards! I sat in with the lights off tonight like a right old scrooge because I'd forgotten it was Halloween and all the skanky kids of Charter Road would be trick or treating. I couldn't find anything to give them, apart from half a tube of Smarties belonging to Jason for the first lot. They will probably egg the flat tomorrow when they realise. Turns out they were the first and the last so I sat in the dark for nothing. But I like candles anyway, so what the hell!
Everything's going very nicely with Ed, for those of you who are interested (that's the girls then!), talking of which, I'm seeing him in a wee while when he finishes work, so better had dash.
Night (k)