
Oct 04, 2001 21:54

What a day. Quite possibly the most unproductive day I've ever had at work, but equally the most lazy. Went down to court at 10am to wait for Mr Armed Robber, who was charged this morning, to turn up. Well, to cut a long (VERY long) story short, he still hadn't been brought from the police station. I was there for SIX HOURS in the end. Geeeez......
Anyway, luckily Craig was there to chat to. He's a lovely boy and most amusing. The kind of gay friend I have always yearned for; one to go shopping and talk about men with! So it wasn't so bad. We went to the park in the lunch break and talked about our mutual fear of swans. Then we cooed over what a great film Moulin Rouge is and talked about poppy music. It was great. Hopefully Ed and I will be going out in Bath with him on Tuesday night. So adorably good-looking he is, and WASTED on the male of the species! Lol. No chance of this one deciding to come back and bat for the 'right' team though, and after all, why should he?
Just got back from Lorraine and David's. Great to see little Louie, who seems to be coming on in leaps and bounds. Quite heartwarming really.
Well, there's absolutely NOTHING on the TV, when I could really do with just chilling out in front of the box and relaxing, so don't know what I'll do with the rest of my evening really. Ed is at the gym with Paul doing laddy stuff..
Until next time, au revoir.
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