Stupid Quiz boredom

Aug 03, 2003 00:05

I took this quiz about this time a year ago. I wanted to look over how my answers have changed.

x. What is the last thing you ate? Triple chocolate ice cream
x. Was it good? It was awesome!
x. Do you sleep with pants on? I prefer not to sleep in clothes
x. Do you ever fantasize? Oh yah
x. Sweet pickles or dill? Sweet, dill is disgusting Kimmy
x. What do you want your boyfriend (girlfriend) to pierce? Just me, and his ears.
x. What sucks about your life right now? Only that I’ve been away from my love for so long

x. Do your teachers like you? Most do
x. Do your parents like you? Always!
x. Does your dog insist on sniffing your crotch when important people are around?
Molly and Princess are too short, but Asia always did when I first met Marc and was trying to look good
x. Are you too lazy to cook? Only when I am in a hurry, but I love to cook.
x. What are you wearing? Heh, wouldn’t you like to know?
x. Are your feet naked? yup
x. Do YOU like to be naked? Yup, but not alone
x. Have you ever seen your sister/brother naked? Nope, and don’t plan on it either
x. Was it gross?
x. Are you an avid user of racial slurs? Contrary to popular belief of Southerners, no
x. Was yesterday more fun than today? Yes
x. How often do you say, “I love you?” A lot
x. To whom? The love of my life, Marc, and my parents
x. Are you an animal person? For sure
x. Are you a party animal? I wish
x. Give yourself a stereotype: hah, “smart blonde”
x. Are you bored? Obviously if I’m filling out this survey

**if you could make a film from any book never produced as a film, what book would you pick?: hmmm, that’s a good question . . . .

**if you could star in a love scene with any living actor, who would you want to act with, and where would you want it filmed?: Tom Cruise on a beach

**if you could have chosen your own first name, other than your current one, what would it be?: that’s tough, I really like my name. I guess something else that starts with a “J”, as that runs in the family tradition.

**if you had to go tonight to be tattooed, where on your body would you have it done and what image would you select?: where is it the least painful??? (and something very small!)

**if you could choose the music at your own funeral, what would it be, and who would play it?: oh my, either “May Angels Lead You In” (Jimmy Eat World), “Sonny” (NFG), or “Time of Your Life” (GD)

**if you could own one painting from any collection in the world but were not allowed to sell it, which work of art would you select?: The Starry Night

Have you ever....
Been Kissed?: Yes
Done drugs?: not really
Eaten an entire box of oreos?: almost!
eaten sushi?: Yep, love it!!!
Been on stage?: Yes, back in the good ole dancing days
Been dumped?: mmmm, only by one . . . . . .grrrrr . . . . . . but I’m not bitter!
Had someone be unfaithful to you? probably
Gotten in a car accident? Unfortunately, it wasn’t fun
Watched the Smurfs?: Yah
Hiked a mountain?: Yes
Made homemade cookies?: yes
Been in love?: yes, hee hee hee
Seen the White house?: Yup

Cold or hot?: hott, cuz then the clothes start shedding . . . .
Blue or Red?: red!
New or old?: Depends
Give or receive?: both, . . . . . . heh . . . preferably at the same time
Wool or cotton?: Cotton
Rose or Daisy?: Rose
Private school or public school?: school is school
Chocolate milk or plain milk?: Actually I would choose plain
Celsius or Fahrenheit? Fahrenheit
spring or fall?: spring
History or Science?: Science
Math or English?: math

Opposite sex...
do you have a b/f, g/f? yes, and he is so wonderful
Do you like someone right now? Yes
Do they know? I think so
What do look you for in a woman, or man, in a relationship? Everything! He has to be the perfect match for me. There has to be love, trust, understanding, and good communication.
Who's your funniest friend? Hah, Stephie, that girl cracks me up
Who do you e-mail the most? Marc
Who is the meanest?: uh, I do not waste my time with mean people
Who's the loudest: my brother is the loudest person I know, and always has been
Who's parents do you know the best?: Stephie’s rents, they’re so cool, but it seems like everyone knows MY parents the best.
Who has the best room?: at home it would be me cuz I had the entire upstairs suite with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.
Within last 24 hours.....
Had a serious talk?: totally
hugged someone?: Yes
gotten along good with your parents? Of course, I always get along WELL with my parents.
Fought with a friend?: Nope

do you like to...
hug?: all the time
Give back rubs?: of course, and I’m pretty good at it, at least I’ve gotten good reviews
Take walks in the rain?: yes, but only in Alabama cuz its usually hot when it rains

If you got a tattoo, would it be a snake sliding down my spine?: doubtful, that would hurt like hell!
have you ever had that falling dream?: yeah, it’s freaky
What color is your floor/carpet in your room?: beige
What was the last CD you bought? I can’t even remember buying a cd. I bought blank cds to burn about a year ago . . .
If you chew gum, what kind?: carefree pink, occasionally Winterfresh
how do you plan on spending next summer? Hopefully the majority will be spent in sac with Marc, and I’ll only have to come home to alabama for a short time. Or maybe by then my parents will be living in another state, and I won’t have to come back here
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