Jan 25, 2005 20:02
Yesterday we had another snowday. Our third in a week. The university was closed last Monday as well, also, Thursday afternoon, the campus lost power so we didn't have any classes that afternoon either. So last Monday, I was pretty sick. Had this awful cough, which, I now have abs of steel from because I coughed so much, so I didn't go out. I remember I was sooooooo upset that I couldn't go outside because it just looked so white and fluffy and just like so much fun. I knew so many people that were going out to play and I was so jealous. So Thursday came around and Vince and Adam come by and say, we're going to go sledding...you in? So by this time, my cough was a lot better. So I jumped at the chance, no class, beautiful day to spend tobagganing with good friends, what more could one ask for? Well...that afternoon spent with them was one of the best days I've had here in Haliwood in a really long time. IT was just so much fun. It reminded me so much of home, but yet it was with some of my really good friends from here. It felt like it was bridging this gap between home and here. That was amazing because I have rarely felt like the people here could relate to things at home and the people at home could hardly embrace the things that happen here. Thursday was just such a good day. Then Friday, I went to the spa...which was AMAZING...so relaxing...I can't wait until my next visit :). My relaxing Friday afternoon was followed up by a spectacular "Night of Fun" with Kat, one of my continued best friends here in Hali. It was so good to just hang out with her again because I really have missed her huge over the past four months. I really had forgotten how we just click and how easy things are. It was really refreshing. I've always been one of these people who can't spend too much time with the same people. I need that variety, that spice,....or the salsa if you will. But there are a few people that I am finding I can spend endless hours with and she is one of them. Saturday was also such an amazing day. I went to Eastside Mario's with a few guys from my floor. It was so much fun. These guys are absolutely hilarious. It was just some good fun. Then that night, a bunch of us from the floor and just got together and played board games until like 3 in the morning. It was just and old fashioned childhood kind of fun. Then Sunday was dedicated to the work that I hadn't done all weekend. Then yesterday was our third snow day. So around 4, Vince calls and is like...wanna go play? So I just said ya...I totally do. So off we went. Kyla, Rachael and Adam came as well. Kyla and Rachael showed up with their own sled...which we named the red bullet! We then walked over to Adam's house and he made french toast. Its so freeing to be able to go to people's houses off campus. Its just so rejuvenating. Then Vince and I bought a sled from Canadian Tire...which is called THE ELIMINATOR!!!!! It is so amazing. Soooooooooooo fast...then we went to Citadel hill and we went sledding for till like 9:00pm. It was amazing...also one of the best days I've had in this city. I've been really blessed this past weekend. I got to spend Thursday with amazing people, Friday was such an awesome day, Sunday was a work day...and then MOnday again was just so much fun and so refreshing. I'm so optimistic for what is to happen in the future. There's so much exciting stuff coming up and its really awesome. I'm starting to realize that I'm not going to be best friends with everyone that I'm friends with now. Not that that sentence just made sense, but let me explain. There's people this year, that I'm friends with simply because I live on the same floor with them, or in the same building. I think before I was really worried about maintaining a relationship with all of them and making sure that we stay friends. But as I'm having days like I had this past weekend I'm realizing more that I'm not going to be best friends with all these people. Like, realistically, if they were on the other side of the street, there's only a limited number of people for which I would cross and talk to. And I'm becoming increasingly complacent with that. And that's ok. The one's that I want to be friends with and who want to be friends with me, will stay in touch and we will nurture our relationships. And for those which I want to keep up but haven't, I'm vowing that I will keep it up. If it is important to me, it will be kept up. The communication lines open. If i'm not willing to work and neither is the other person, than we will be acquaintances. I think this is a really hard lesson for me as I have only really gotten a large number of friends only in the last few years. All through public school and junior high and even the first couple of years of highschool, I never really had a great number of friends, so people who I had forged a bond with I was so intent on keeping. But this whole res community thing has created an environment where I am constantly surrounded by a large group of people. Especially as my role as an RA, I have to make a bond with everyone on my floor. But that bond doesn't mean I have to mail them xmas cards when I'm 80. I think this past weekend and the conversations that I've had in the past little while, I've realized this. And thanks to all for the great weekend :)