So...some interesting tweets from Gatiss and Moffat just came in. POTENTIALLY HUGE SPOILERS for those who haven't seen the Reichenbach Fall ep yet ;).
From Gatiss' twitter:
Gotcha! And of course there'll be a third series! It was commissioned at the same time as series two!!
From Moffat's twitter:
#Sherlock Yes of course there's going to be a third series - it was commissioned at the same time as the second. Gotcha!
Oh Gatiss and Moffat. You magnificent trolls XD.
I love you both <3. And everything to do with Sherlock of course :).
Now wasn't the Reichenbach Fall ep absolutely AMAZING? :D Sherlock/John bromance was EPIC as always :). I loved that John was so loyal to Sherlock even when others were doubting him. What a beautiful friendship right there <3.