i know you all are very excited to read this.
The Survey Where You Say The First Word That Comes To Mind. Yay. Created by
-ambiguous and taken 42236 times on
bzoink!What comes to mind when you hear....snow?Shovel..rain?Sleep..tornado?Wizard of Oz (darnit, that's three words)..summer love?had me a blast. (darnit, that's four)..Jon?Travolta. hahahaha. that makes me laugh...Mike?Bike. i'm weird...Shea?Flea... yeah. weird also...banana?Frosted Flakes ..dizzy?Snoop Dogg..Laura?Winslow..Juan?Mexican..car?licenseless..white?Black.. that's creative...peppermint?Proficiency tests..New Found Glory?nothing..placebo?taebo..orange juice?nasty..candid camera?Suzanne Sommers..sister?Shadow (the song)..brother?Church..hate?Me. (this is because i say "I hate..." too much)..school?waking up at the buttcrack of dawn. (oops, that's definitely more than one word)..President?Cute..football?waterboy..rap?crap..pop?do bop da wop..rock?mraz buttons..punk?plaid..sex?marriage..death?judgement..baby?adorable..duuude?annoying..the end?Cinderella
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