
Apr 14, 2007 19:29

If theres one thing that I have learned in the past 48 hours, its that this world is an amazing place.
Well, actually perhaps i'm giving kudos to the place... perhaps it's life I should be astounded at, or perhaps fate.
Oh yes, I said the f-word... quick run for the hills! I never really believed in a pre-defined destiny, I always thought the life gives us choices to pave our own way. Life is what we make it. it's both wonderous and devistating at the same time.
Talking to someone that you care very much for but let go because you didn't think it was possible, only to find out that it was possible, and now it isn't because... well it's just to late. And meeting sombody new and knowing that theres a world of possibility's for the two of you if you don't screw it up. It's wonderful, confusing, fustrating, and sad all at the same time.
I was never good at making moral decisions.But I also thought that if I wanted something enough then an oppurtunity would pop up. Well it's presented it's self. It's here.. Question is... what do I do about it without getting burned in the process.
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