Lots going on lately...
Congradulations to Leamber and Iian on their new arrival!!!!
Baby Laird was born on the 19th (i think) I'm super excited for them!!!!
As for me.... well aside from the fact that it's May and i'm freezing my ass off, I'm not doing horribly. I lost 13 lbs.. yay! hopefully more in the near future. I'll find out tommorow... *crosses fingers*
As for life.. well don't have much of one.. spend roughtly 50 hours at work, and I come home and paint or do some other work on my room, which is coming along quite well btw. Occasionally I'll go out with Kim or talk to Jules or someone on the phone... but thats about it really.
Work is good. I'm busy as all hell and thats not a bad thing. Learning lots of new stuff, and re-learning some things. I've realizes two thing in the last couple weeks. I have very high expectations for people, though I shoulden't really be surprised cause
toast3r called that one weeks and weeks ago *smiles* And the other... I'm unbelievibuly highstrung. If something needs to get done, it needed to be done, ten minutes ago. I don't like leaving things unfinished it annoys the hell out of me. And if I tell you to do somthing it needs to be done in the alotted time frame, or I get pissy.
Now because of this discovery, I've had to excersize a vast amout of patience in the last few days. all in all thats a pretty good thing. It's like re-visiting an old friend.
I like work about 95% of the time, I enjoy spending time with the people that I work with, and my boss if just plain hysterical *grins* Chris kicks some sereious ass, he's an awesome guy. And Bibi is hysterical, she has a very professional exterior most of the time, but get her in the back office, joking around and talking, the girl is a riot. The housekeepers got her a bracelet for her birthday the says "nasty" on it. It definatly fits her hehehe. It's nice to actually look forward to work everyday. and while I like days away from the office now and again.. I laugh alot more when i'm there.
Outside of work, i'm pretty lonley. This isn't a grab for sympathy, I swear. It's just the truth. I get too see Kim every couple of weeks, But I haven't seen Andie or Erin in like forever. Or sandy for that matter, she spends alot of time with her girls and thats kewl. *shrugs* I barely get to talk to Krys. I know this is gonna sound stupid... but nothing would make me happier than to just hang around with someone to do absolughtly nothing together. The sad truth of it all is that I don't talk to people anymore, and if I do call someone, no one returns my phone calls *shrugs* I'm not upset about that cause I know people are busy and such. I dunno... It would just be nice to hear a couple of familiar voices now and again, thats all. I don't game anymore, and i'm kewl with that. In all honesty, I don't miss it *shrugs*. The only thing I miss are the people.
Hey! Jason e-mailed me the other day! I was so excited! he did infact get my letter, and said that he wants a picture of me..... and since ther are no good pictures of me... I've been trying to take one... with little sucess mind you. *shrugs* Oh well. I'll eventually snap a good one for him. Why the hell he would want a picture of my ugly mug is beyond me, but whatever. I miss talking to him on the phone at night. Those were good talks.
Speaking of pictures.... Does anyone know where I can get a cheap-ish copy of Photoshop? All the ones that i've seen are like 90-75 dollars... anyone have any leads on a 50dollerish one?
Oh yes... and everyone cross their fingers that Julie-raes husband gets a new job soon. The sooner the better so that things can get back to semi-normal for her, and so that I can have my chat time with her back. Yes I know I'm so selfish. :P
Well my toes are just about freezing off, so i'd better get running... besides i'm all out of news to tell *winks* Much love and warm fuzzies to all. *kisses*
All my love, -Jen