Jan 10, 2005 23:14
You know....
I'm really tired of being over looked when it comes to getting a job change or promotion at work. Really fucking tired of it.
1) Karl moves from FD supivisor to operations manager.
Don't get taht one cause Chris and I were having a dissagreement at the time.
2) We get an opening for days... which I have told Chris that I wanted over and over and over.
They hire Sabrina to take over the gap in days.
3) Karl is getting promoted to coply in Boston.. leaving his position open.
Know what they do? Bibi moves into Karls operations Sabrina moves to Bibis Job (which is the job I really want btw) and leaves an opening at the desk.
If they offer me days... I'm going to get really really fucking pissed off.
I've been with this freaking company for 2 fucking years. I've done what they asked, improved on what they wanted me to improve one... and nothing
I am so bullshit right now.... words cannot describe how pissed off I am.