Jan 20, 2009 11:35
This is the stock one they posted on the complaints board, so I know nothing is actually being read:
Dear Jenah
Webloyalty.com protects its reputation and monitors the blogosphere to ensure information posted on our company is truthful and accurate and to identify opportunities to assist our members. Through this monitoring, we found your comments posted here about our membership program, Shopper Discounts & Rewards.
We'd like to address your concerns and provide you with details on how you actually enrolled in the Shopper Discounts & Rewards membership but we don't know who you are. If you would like us to provide you with this information, or if there is any other way we can assist you, please don't hesitate to contact us at 1-800-889-8776 or send an email message to consumeraffairs@webloyalty.com. We will be very happy to help assist you.
Mary O'Reilly
Webloyalty Consumer Affairs
Shopper Discounts & Rewards