So I am using a fun layout from
fleeting_days but I'll be damned if I can get the body to line up with the header. It's making me CRAZY. I'm not a complete idiot about coding I'll have you know. But coding within LJ is tricky. So if anyone, and this is REALLY for you,
purecreation or even you,
angylone since you gals use coded layouts....can help me I'd be GREATLY appreciative? I just want it to all be centered and lined up - thanks!
Ethereal is now completely gone. I'm a bit sad about it really - even though I do have my art now on Photobucket. Ironically, the death of Ethereal prompted me to open up Photoshop yesterday when I found myself home alone ALL DAY and I made some stuff. I made some headers for a friend of mine and her site, And I made a wallpaper - oh yes I did. I'm not sure if you're a fan of Stargate Universe (or SGU) - but you should be. It's dark. Gloomy. Stark. Off to rocky start last season as it found it's way - but it's filled with some great confrontations and stories. I just dig it - you can see by the latest wallpaper I've done.
On a more serious note I am sick of hearing of these kids killing themselves. I have a very hard and tough stance on suicide in general.
I have some very dark personal experience to draw from (not me but a person VERY close to me years ago). So it isn't as I'm an unfeeling bitch or completely ignorant. Quite the contrary. While the kids we've been hearing about have been tortured and bullied about issues deeply provocative and private - I'm sorry but suicide is NOT the answer. That tells me that something was further off inside the poor souls other than being bullied. But let me stress, I hate bullies and the act of bullying. Any of you who know me - know this is true. I take it very seriously and never have tolerated it by those around me. In fact most of you may recall my dismay at the end of last school year when my son found himself in trouble over taking part in some bullying of a fellow student.
So while I think that bullies should in general be strung up and lashed - people also have to find it within themselves to deal with the world. And this is where I get so frustrated with parents. No we cannot fix everything. We are not perfect. But can you honestly tell me that you firmly believe parents have really been doing their jobs in the past 20 years or so? And I mean this for both sides - doing their jobs to teach their children not to be behave so heinously, as well as how to be okay with who you are and deal with the outside world? See me? I don't think so.
Technology unfortunately only makes the situation larger than it should be. Then again - parents - limit what your kid has access to dammit. I mean really - why does every child have to have an iPhone or smart phone, or computer, or Facebook account? Why? What purpose does it really serve for them? Will they shrivel up and die without it? Hell no. Just ask my son! LOL
But it isn't technology's fault either. So much of it does lie with us, parents, at the choices we make. The hard and difficult choices that get our kids mad at us, the choices that are so exhausting and tiresome in order to show them how to act. We have to walk the walk. Talk the talk. And frankly, quit worrying so damned much about politically correct - because that is a huge waste of time. We all know in our guts what is right and wrong. It's when we don't listen to our guts and allow the emotional ties to "what others think" to distract us from our guts that we go wrong.
So parents grow a pair and man up for crap's sake.
And as for these poor children who have taken their lives - my heart breaks for their families. I feel badly for those 2 dumb teens who thought it would be cool to send a live broadcast of their roomate out into the world. Their lives will never be the same. It's tragic all around. Truly. But am I the only asking out loud why it was so much easier to simply snuff out their very precious lives? That would be a scary thought indeed.