..he's got this thing for numbers..

Feb 16, 2010 23:43

LOST: Substitute
My thoughts are a little jumbled up so I probably won't go in order from start to finish of the episode. Forgive me?
  • WHERE WAS KATE'S NAME?!?!#@#$ We all saw Jacob meet with her too. Why wasn't her name on the wall - or was it and Smokie didn't tell Sawyer..? And why didn't Sawyer ask about her?!
  • And really where those Jacob's names? Or were they Smokie's? I mean we didn't see Ilana's name, or Kate's name, or Walt's name....Or any of the other survivors for either crash. So..whose list was that really?!
  • Does Smokie really want them all to die? I mean, I think we all can safely assume that he's somehow recruited Claire to Team Smokie rather than Team Jacob (take that fellow Twilighters!)..but she isn't dead.
  • However, I don't believe that Richard is lying. I just think that is what he truly believes. And does he REALLY not know about Candidates after being so long on the island? I mean come on, he willingly followed Ben and also Widmark, and Locke after being so directed by Jacob. So...what? Why the surprise? Or was he playing?
  • Alt Locke sure is running into a lot of fellow passengers. I liked it! And yay he gets to have the girl afterall! But what??? She mentions his FATHER coming to the wedding? Hmmm???
  • And Benjamin Linus as a teacher....which leads to...
  • JUST HOW ACCURATE IS THIS ALTERNATE TIMELINE WE'RE SEEING? I ask because, if in fact our gang was successful in their bomb detonation, and then the plane wouldn't have crashed...Benjamin Linus would STILL be Island Boy. He would have already been saved in the Temple after Sayid shot him and thusly been "ours" as Richard stated. Is he in recruitment mode as the teacher? And while I know that Cooper/Sawyer was Locke's father, he would have STILL have been a con man and swindler..yes?! Why would Locke invite him to the wedding? Something isn't adding up here....right?! Am I the only one starting to see gaping holes? Or am I smoking something without my knowledge?
  • "I don't know if it means Sun or Jin." Well that was an odd statement for Smokie to make. But we saw Jacob touch them both.
  • Ilana really seems to know a LOT. Perhaps SHE is in fact the real Candidate? Takers? I mean she is most definitely Jacob's girl (and maybe the biggest Team Jacob fan around..) and she seemed to know more when he visited her when she was ill on the cot. Or disfigured eh? He'd asked for her help directly.
  • Will Jacob's ashes do anything in particular?
  • Raise your hand if you think that the boy was Jacob..? Or hell even some odd version of Aaron...yes?! LOL All blondes.....
  • I LOVED seeing the island through Smokie's eyes. That was just cool!
  • I will admit it. The funeral for Locke brought tears to my eyes. And Michael Emerson (Ben) was utterly fantastic. But then he usually is. Dear poor Ben..I actually felt sorry for him there.
  • Terry O'Quinn has been robbed from the Emmy. I also think Matthew Fox has had his moments when he has been robbed. However, Terry owns all. And if that man doesn't win an Emmy for this season, I will be . . . disgusted beyond repair. Hell both he and Michael deserve Emmys. Yes?
  • UM wait...how DID Ilana know about Sun's husband?! Hmmmmmmm? Wait..she was working for Widmark..yes? Am I remembering that correctly? Help?!
  • Poor James. Poor drunk, bitter, grieving James. He's gonna get up to some bad stuffs with Smokie taking advantage. And frankly, I was shocked to hear him say he'd want off the island at this point. Juliet is buried there.
  • I loved seeing the numbers with folks' names.
  • Rose! Terminal Cancer Rose! *sniff*
  • Ahh Hugo...you seem so.....well adjusted. LOL
  • And lastly, as much as I like the other castmates, I always miss seeing my beloved Jack. And Kate. Sorry it's true.
  • Hey..! I want to see Desmond!!!!

    Edited to Add
    And did my fellow Supernatural fans realize that both Jared and Jensen are engaged to be married? And that Jared is no longer engaged to his former long-time girlfriend, but to the actress who played Ruby?! THAT was certainly news to me?!
  • lost, hollyweird, supernatural

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