1. I am horrified that Victoria's Secrets runs their suggestive Ads before 9pm. Hell I wish they weren't on television at all [they weren't when I was a younger person!]. But before 9pm? Seriously. I have to cover my son's eyes every single time they come on. They make him very uncomfortable and present him with all sorts of imagery that he just doesn't need to see. Thank you very much. I wonder if there is a place I can write and complain. Hmm.
2. If you are going to talk about any film or tv show [new or old] is it really so hard to put your thoughts under a freaking LJ - cut? Seriously? ESPECIALLY for current films or tv shows. It pisses me off that so many are so inconsiderate of others.
queensark this isn't directed at YOU and our recent discussion!! This is more general.]
3. Gas prices jumped $.10 in 1 day here. TEN CENTS IN ONE DAY. Man I'm lucky I have no commute and an economical car. My sympathies to those that do have commutes. And those that do have non-economical cars. This is ridiculous.
4. Having said that - PEOPLE!! QUIT stealing gas from cars in my neighborhood [or any neighborhood]!! You shouldn't make YOUR problems someone else's. JEEZ.
Spanish Star Spangled Banner. Hell no. HELL NO. I can't think of one other stinking country on this planet that would appreciate THEIR national anthem sung in another language. This is carrying America's "melting pot" status TOO FAR. FUCK NO!
6. I listened to Nick Lachey's new single "What's Left of Me" last night 4 times. I teared up. Seriously. I've always thought he was a good singer. In fact I think he's a better singer than his soon to be Ex [while she has a powerful voice, no one has quite figured how to pick the right songs for her and she isn't consistent.]. But after listening to his new single, I can say that I've never heard him sound BETTER. His voice sounds STRONGER. Awesome. The video isn't that great - hokey really. But he's pretty. I plan to get his new cd.
7. I snapped at Alex this morning too harshly. First time in a long time. I must apologize again when I see him tonight.
8. My nephew started walking this week! He turns a year next week.
9. I'm a tad bitter than the show Alias somehow incorporated itself into one of my odd dreams last night. *sigh*
10. Is it 5pm yet?!
My Music Artist recommendations to you right now are: Rose Thomas [aka Rosie Thomas], Avion, Josh Kelly, Anna Nalick, Ingram Hill, and Teddy Geiger.