Jun 16, 2002 01:33
I'm in New York again. Home sweet home.
I flew back a couple of nights ago, I was starting to miss my city. It never ceases to amaze me, all the people, all the stories, all the love and the hate constantly co-existing out in the streets. It's truly a wonder.
I had planned to go see Scooby Doo with Linda, and sneaking in 3948324 of sweets. She was a bit reluctant to walk in the theater, but I pulled her in and made her watch the movie. To remain spoiler free, I'm just going to say I really liked it. You all should go see it.
Sometimes I feel I am underappreciated and ignored because I'm seventeen. Sure, it's young, I know I'm underage, but I have gone through so much in my life to be considered a 'kid'. I guess this is one of those things that really bother me. I take care of myself, I have my own apartment. I manage my own career, earn my own money. I support myself, I handle myself, I am responsible for my belongings and my actions, I look after my well-being. But sometimes, it feels like I get dismissed due to a simple number. My thoughts and ideas aren't heard. My solutions are ignored, neglected. "I am just a kid."
Nothing bothers me more than that statement.
I can't fall in love, I'm too young to know what love is. I can't be passionate about something, I'm too young to tie myself down. For once, can everyone just forget about the number? I like to think I'm a very mature person, but it is almost impossible when you have the people that surround you incessantly saying that you aren't grown up.