Watch out for sidewalks

Feb 26, 2005 10:11

Ok, so yesterday I decided that it was time to get my butt in gear and start mike's house. Well Mike's house is like on the other side of town. So I had my mom turn the car around so I wouldn't have to back out (yes thats right...I have only backed up twice in my life). So everything was going pretty good, until I got to the end of Chestnut and I had trouble stopping where I was supposed to, but thats not major. So I keep on driving and my turn onto Carter Lane was sucky, but oh well, so I'm driving along Carter Lane and BAM I run over the sidewalk...go me. It that point I was on the verge of tears begging my mother to let me pull over and have her drive the rest of the way....she wouldn't let me. So I hate to drive after I mess up, so it took me a while to focus again, but thankfully, the rest of the way there was no more running over sidewalks or bad stuff like that. I swear mike will be legal to drive me when I finally get my license. And this is all depressing to me because I'm the last to get my license within the group of my friends (I'm planning that Alyse will get hers before me.) I can't stand going places and when we are finished having to wait for my mom to come and pick me all my friends drive away..leaving me alone or with people I don't even know.

Oh well

I'm beginng to panic over the talent show..there's a part I can't remember..

Yesterday wasn't bad, I worked for awhile, and realized the only thing we talk about in my office is food...I fit right in.
Then I didn't have to go to the high school to do my hour of work because Mr. L has fallen when am I supposed to do this work?? I had to go out with my dad..boring as usual and he pisses me off... After that I had that terrible driving exprience and hung out with Mike.
Today should be boring as usual.
Comments are nice


p.s. The last part of this entry I realize is very disconnected and may only make sense to me...
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