(no subject)

Jun 20, 2007 20:08

Do girls make passes at guys who wear glasses?

I recently had a chat with a very old ( in terms of friendship, not age) and dear friend of me self, during which he started to bemoan the fact that he'd recently had to start wearing glasses and how old and unattractive it made him feel. And that bemused me no end, did that. I mean, since when did the need for a bit of face furniture consign a guy to either old or unattractive?

Ok, So I'm well aware that Hollywood has long been using glasses as a cliche` to denote nerdy/geeky-ness...or even down right unattractiveness in some of it's characters, woman especially - Ugly Betty anyone? But why is that?

Seems that if the general consensus of Hollywood were to be believed then wearing specs somehow denotes some level of intelligence - even superior intelligence - and intelligence, for some reason, totally negates sexiness!Beg pardon?

Ok, so shoot me down in flames here, but isn't it our intelligence that keeps us alive as a species and moving forward?? What could be more sexy than that?

But I digress! Because intelligence and attractiveness aren't necessarily mutually compatible - And you know I'm right. Just look at some of the pairings you've ever come across in your lives!

So back to guys in glasses.

See, I have a real thing for guys is glasses. I really do. And don't ask me why, because I couldn't pinpoint what it is exactly, even if you paid me. yeah, I'm well aware of the recent studies that claim most woman tend to go for a partner that somehow resemble their father. There have been many and various claims like that for years, and I don't, necessarily, discount them. Only thing is, my own beloved father never took to glasses until I'd long since left home.

So is it an intelligence thing? Could be! I mean, I can't ever recall fancying someone who was stupid, no matter how visually appealing they were. And by 'stupid' I don't mean uneducated- that's a different kettle of fish entirely.

But, visual attractiveness aside, there is still something about the addition of glasses to a guys features that makes me go all wibbly-wobbly inside. Take Agent Fox Mulder for instance: hugely attractive generally,but with the specs? OMG! Daniel Jackson from stargate: likewise. The current incarnation of our own dear Doctor Who....ODGSOL!

And it's not necessarily confined, in my case at least, to fictional characters either.

I have been known to lose all reasonable control of my faculty's when confronted by certain members of the male 'Joe Public' wearing specs, whilst at work also. Example: I have a regular client who has to come see for his medical needs. Now this guy is blond - and blonds don't usually have any effect on me - but the day he popped on his specs to read something in front of me... I damn near melted into a puddle at his feet. LOL

Had the same thing happen when my boss for-went the contacts in my presence one day. Now this is a guy that, up 'till that moment, I would have quite happily murdered without a second thought under normal circumstances. With addition of specs, I suddenly found myself coming over all 'unnecessary'.

Weirdness, huh?

Of course, it might well just be me that this happens to. But I would be interested to find out if it affected anyone else.
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