Sep 18, 2009 11:25
But that doesn't come as much of a surprise. I am the most negligent LJ user there ever was. I don't post for months at a time, and return to find my poor LJ huddled in a corner, whimpering and underfed. I am very sorry, LJ. I promise to post more tales of the frivolous everyday happenings of my life.
Moving on, I've started college! Three weeks ago, actually. So far, it's pretty good. I like most of my classes and about half of my professors. The campus is really nice and I've joined the literary magazine. But a few things that really solidify my decision to go here: balloons in the elevator, free ice cream, and screenings of Star Trek on a jumbo-tron outside.
I'm just dashing this off in a hurry, because I have to pack. I'm going home this weekend (again), so that I can see the ol' marching band's halftime show at the football game tonight. The idea of sitting and watching, rather than marching and playing, is definitely surreal, but that's all a part of moving on, I guess.
In the immortal words of Tigger, tata for now!
Edit: WTF is this "input " crap? Grr, something is wrong with my laptop. HTML fail.