"O wonder!How many goodly creatures are there here!How beautious mankind is!O brave new world,That has such people in't!"
That is from Shakespeare's The Tempest. That's what my life's been the last few months, quite a storm. Breaking up with the person you love is not exactly what I would call a chilling situation. Thing is we just couldn't keep going, our relationship was far too contaminated by our time-consuming jobs, apathy and fear. We did the right thing, but boy did it hurt! It's funny but I can't still refer to her as my ex. Too weird.
Anyway, just wanted to share some thoughts here and say that I won't be able to finish any videos next moth, since I'm working on the premiere of our play and I'll be focusing on rehearsals as much as I can.
Here's my new heroine. It gives me hope to see that there's such wonderful, brave people out there. How beautious mankind is! Sometimes, anyway.
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