Nov 21, 2007 00:03
I am home. That makes me happy. College makes me happy, too. It's all good. I'm so excited to see people tomorrow! I can't believe I'm not performing in Thanksgiving rehearsal. When I was in it, I used to see the alumni and think "they're so lucky, they don't have to be stressed about anything. They did this; they succeeded. They're done." And I used to be envious. To think that, now, I would love to be scared out of my mind and sweating more than I ever have on that lovely stage now that I'm done. Well I suppose I would have expected that out of myself anyway. Don't wish for things to be over kids; try to enjoy and savor it all...whatever that means.
Speaking of sweating - you will probably never sweat as much as you do in Vocal Motion for like probably the rest of your life. I miss it in a gross "I just REALLY accomplished something" sort of way. I'll explain what I mean if this sounds weird. Just let me know.
Today I opened a card that I had gotten from graduation. It has a check in it dated 6/25/07. That was an asshole move on my part.
I have overturned my house. This was probably the 5th time. I can't find it. That kills me a little. Makes me feel very irresponsible.
Backtracking - I haven't written in a while, so yeah..
Lehigh-Laf Week was fun. We had a bonfire and the whole scene just made me feel like I was in a movie. At the actual game on Saturday, Katie tried to teach me football...this sort of worked -ish. We lost the game, sadly. BUT Nick Smith and Brie came all the way from West Ice and that made everything 83495728374293874298 times better. I love them so much and I really hope they know how happy they made me...even if Brie likes to moan quite loudly in my dorm room and Nick isn't a huge fan of the "death stairs" hah. Overall, it was a good weekend.
Though I suppose, for different reasons, not as good as the previous weekend.
Which, for related reasons, was not as good as the previous-previous weekend.
Darn. We'll see.
I can't wait for Thanksgiving.
I may try to sleep now.