i took a survey, wow.

Dec 21, 2003 21:42

What comes to mind when you hear....snow?:flake ..rain?:drop ..tornado?:hurricane ..summer love?:lust ..Jon?:boy ..Mike?:moore ..Shea?:onamonapea (sp?) ..banana?:chicken ..dizzy?:tazmania devil ..Laura?:liar ..Juan?:lopez ..car?:eclipse ..white?:oleander ..peppermint?:candy ..New Found Glory?:AFI ..placebo?:sugar ..orange juice?:cold fighter ..candid camera?:shots to groin ..sister?:nun ..brother?:basketball ..hate?:love ..school?:floor wax ..President?:bush ..football?:season ..rap?:pimps ..pop?:radio ..rock?:daddy ..punk?:avril (joke) ..sex?:yum? ..death?:please ..baby?:eh... ..duuude?:where's my car? ..the end?:finally
The Survey Where You Say The First Word That Comes To Mind. Yay. brought to you by BZOINK!
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