Fanfic Meme

Jan 03, 2010 15:12

I succumb, friends, I succumb...

Come, let us talk about fic! )

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rynogeny January 3 2010, 21:57:12 UTC
Ooh. Very much looking forward to When You Wish -- readerjane has mentioned it to me. (Now go get back to work on it. Please? *g*) And more in your ItLS verse would not go amiss, either. ;)


jen_nsync_landl January 4 2010, 02:07:08 UTC
I fancied I had rather a breakthrough on WYW this morning while working out. I actually said "Oh, oh!" when the idea came to me. Now that the blood flow has slowed, though, I'm trying to remember exactly what I thought that was so significant. :P

*iz dork*

Must. make. it. work!


rynogeny January 4 2010, 02:57:23 UTC
I'm trying to remember exactly what I thought that was so significant.

Sigh. If I had a nickel for every time I've had some Major Thought!! about writing as I was falling asleep, and be *sure* I'd remember it the next morning...I wouldn't be looking for a job. ;)

Re: WYW...did you figure out the basic problem you were trying to solve?


jen_nsync_landl January 4 2010, 03:05:40 UTC
Well, it comes down to two things: how do S6 Spike and S3!Wishverse Buffy interact and how do I get back into canon (OY!). Today's thought involved the latter. Someone's gotta undo the wish, and I've always assumed D'Hoffryn would be involved, for rather obvious reasons as I've set up in the story. I couldn't figure out why D'Hoffryn would agree to dissolve the Wishverse and put Anya and Spike back in the Magic Box, but I think I figured that out this morning in a way that is also foreshadowing of S7. How nifty would that be?

Now there's that slight matter of pulling it off...


rynogeny January 4 2010, 03:28:04 UTC
How nifty would that be?

It sounds really promising. Glad you're making progress on it -- it's the dragging things back to canon that can make things so tricky, isn't it? And I love foreshadowing.

I also really love that icon. Might need to, er, borrow it. *g*


jen_nsync_landl January 4 2010, 03:31:53 UTC
Well, if making progress is having a thought, than yes, progress is being made. You know what I have to do? I need to make an outline. Winging it on sheer pluck and Spike voice has only gotten me so far (namely, into a plotty nightmare!). Now I need, like, details and organization and stuff. I'm not good with that. Thus, the drabble-riffic nature of my fic. LOL

Yes, that damn canon is a killer. It breaks me! *shakes fist at Joss*

The icon: totally awesome, huh? I actually requested that from an icon maker whose work I like (lj user="problematiq">, and she generously made it for me! I commemorate its awesomeness with a Yay! icon.

Can you tell I'm altered by my cold medicine? Geez, I've suddenly gone all wonky!


rynogeny January 4 2010, 03:49:08 UTC
Now I need, like, details and organization and stuff.

I can't really write to an outline -- it kills my interest in the story. (Yes, it's true: apparently I have the attention span of a toddler gnat.) But I do make notes of things that need to happen in what order, as well as potential scenes, and find it helps. (And of course, not everyone has the attention span of the aforementioned toddler gnat, so an outline might work very well for you. *g*)

Can you tell I'm altered by my cold medicine?

Well, as long as you're enjoying your medication. *g*

(Are you at least feeling any better?)


jen_nsync_landl January 4 2010, 03:58:15 UTC
Actually, I have the same issue: I get weary at the thought of carefully sketching everything out. I should follow the "notes" approach, so that once I untangle something, I don't forget and re-tangle!

Alas, I'm feeling absolutely wretched and have a pair of professional talks to give tomorrow morning on Mary, Queen of Scots. It *sounded* like a good idea in October. Now, during holiday break when I feel terrible? Yeah, not so much.

Cross your fingers that I'm not a blithering idiot tomorrow. *sigh*

Off to the coma...


rynogeny January 4 2010, 04:18:47 UTC
I don't forget and re-tangle!

I also find that, perversely (given my inability to outline), writing notes on things I've untangled can generate new ideas.

Cross your fingers that I'm not a blithering idiot tomorrow. *sigh*

Oh, absolutely will do so. Doing that kind of thing when you're sick sucks. Hope you have as restful of a night as possible!


jen_nsync_landl January 4 2010, 21:00:16 UTC
Well, I survived, but that second presentation was a bit like an out-of-body experience. I am now safely back in my bed in PJs feeling hideous. I couldn't sleep last night, in part because I couldn't get my feet warm (I can never sleep with cold feet!) and because I was panicky about my presentations. As it turned out, the MQoS stuff went just fine. :P

Now I get to try to recover. I'm bored with this illness, but I keep getting worse rather than improving. Grrr argh.


rynogeny January 4 2010, 22:06:08 UTC
Now I get to try to recover. I'm bored with this illness, but I keep getting worse rather than improving. Grrr argh.

Grrr argh, indeed. Can't blame you for being bored with being sick -- sounds like me last June. Will you actually have some down time now, where you can rest?

Glad the presentations are over!


jen_nsync_landl January 4 2010, 22:15:16 UTC
(Yay - I get to use my "Buffy is bored" icon.)

I think I will be chilling out for the next couple of days in the hopes of kicking this thing to the curb. I should be working on class preps for the semester, but I think it'll have to wait a few.

Glad the presentations are over!

Oh, me, too! They all stayed awake and didn't look totally annoyed, so I'm giving myself decent reviews. ;)


rynogeny January 5 2010, 04:06:59 UTC
I think I will be chilling out for the next couple of days in the hopes of kicking this thing to the curb.

Good! Chill, relax, watch fun stuff... *g*


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