Fic: The First Dance

Jan 01, 2010 14:41

I've finally finished the much-referenced btvs_santa submission. (See, I was hard at work all this time I've been MIA on the fic front! Well, hard at work and sniffly and miserable. Ugh.) I was assigned ladyofthelog, and although I've seen her around my flist, I don't actually know her at all. Smell a challenge? ;) Among her requests was fic involving S2, which is sort ( Read more... )

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rynogeny January 2 2010, 04:44:42 UTC
Oh that all just works, on so many levels. Go, you. :)


jen_nsync_landl January 2 2010, 05:00:45 UTC
So I continued to tweak a bit. I couldn't help myself! ;)

Thank *you* again for hammering away that big scene. I think I may have sprained something trying to deal with all of your observations, but the pain was good and productive (I hope!). LOL And since I know how much this episode means to you, the fact that you didn't hate this pleases me. *g*


rynogeny January 2 2010, 05:40:03 UTC
think I may have sprained something trying to deal with all of your observations

ROFL! Thank you for taking my comments so seriously. I was trying to balance what *I* thought would make it a stronger story without turning it into my story instead of yours.

And since I know how much this episode means to you, the fact that you didn't hate this pleases me.

Aww. No worries on that score. I think the single thing I like the most about what you did (among many bits) is that Spike sees what she's going through. Really, really like that, and the fact that I think you've got his voice down so well.


jen_nsync_landl January 2 2010, 05:51:40 UTC
Thank you for taking my comments so seriously.

You know, it's interesting: I've been thinking a lot lately about the fact that I don't fill this journal with ramblings about my fandoms anymore. Sometimes I feel kind of talked out about specific episodes or characters, and then an exchange about a story, like our emails over the past couple of days, will spark a serious re-think that gets my fan juices going. I really love that, and the points you were making were super important for me to be thinking about. For BtVS, my head sort of lives in S5 onward, although I have deep appreciation and affection for early seasons, so it's good for me to be forced to think more about that part of the show in terms of characterization if I'm going to try to write about it.

you've got his voice down so well.

He's always talking in my head, that one. ;)


readerjane January 2 2010, 12:18:32 UTC
(He's always talking in my head, that one. ;)

I just finished reading Barb's Yellow Brick Road this week, and a line from that blew me away -- Spike reading Kim to Dawn during The Summer, with a voice "like burnt honey". Now I'm jonesing to hear it, alas!! May have to re-read Kipling and see if my mind's ear can conjure the sound.


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