Fic: The First Dance

Jan 01, 2010 14:41

I've finally finished the much-referenced btvs_santa submission. (See, I was hard at work all this time I've been MIA on the fic front! Well, hard at work and sniffly and miserable. Ugh.) I was assigned ladyofthelog, and although I've seen her around my flist, I don't actually know her at all. Smell a challenge? ;) Among her requests was fic involving S2, which is sort ( Read more... )

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readerjane January 2 2010, 03:43:23 UTC
Lovely polishing!

I especially liked this bit: (Spike nodded curtly in thanks.) I can just see the nod -- one of those asides that illuminates character without distracting from the plot.


jen_nsync_landl January 2 2010, 04:15:15 UTC
Did you notice the borrowing? ;) The new stuff at the beginning about the mistrust and then the bit at the end re: the invite? I especially wanted you to be secure in the knowledge that Spike could still get into the house for Spike-Joyce bonding. I knew that was particularly important for you. *g*

I was surprised at how much changed right at the end, but such is the nature of deadlines. They are certainly...inspiring. LOL

And hey, you got your Spike and Dawn icon! :) I'm desperately in search of a Buffy "yay!" or "squee" icon, but can't find one to save my life. Must. have. celebratory. Buffy.


readerjane January 2 2010, 12:15:44 UTC
Yes, I saw the changes -- mostly at the beginning and the end. I think you worked out the bits about Dru's prophecy very smoothly. More in-character for S2 Spike.


ladyofthelog January 3 2010, 08:29:46 UTC
I couldn't resist!

... )


jen_nsync_landl January 3 2010, 15:15:18 UTC
Oh, my gosh! You are so awesome! I had to upload it before thanking you so that my icon could capture my excitement. LOL I think my gifter at btvs_santa couldn't make the deadline after all, but this makes a lovely gift in itself. :) Thank you so much!


ladyofthelog January 4 2010, 00:01:54 UTC
Most welcome! I love making icons, and I'm glad you like these. ;)


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