Feb 03, 2012 21:26
Think I'll take to here more then letting it all spill into facebook. streamlining things a bit. not even playing games anymore though I might stick with words with friends. would rather have a phone for that but meh not enough monies. anywhoo on to more pressing thoughts.
I'm worried. the newest addition to my client base was not well today. He was crying and I don't know why. In some sort of pain. I'm worried i will get bad news monday morning. :-/ and I'm already attached. fuck! to top it off everything hurts and somehow during my form last night i tweeked my neck. my knees and ankles are protesting everything i'm doing and I even broke some chux last night. time for a mini break. early morning though. still have a workout to try and do or tournament first. but tomorrow night is promising. movie and some dancey dancey time if I can afford it. feh this week can choke on it.:-P