Feb 26, 2008 20:17
I can't believe it's already been like 2 weeks since my last update.
My Dad is still in the hospital. They keep assuring me that he will recover. I won't be fully content nor believe them until I see him in person. Which hopefully will be in the next few months.
Aj and I went to see "A Prairie Home Companion" this past weekend in Winona. It was so much fun. We are total NPR (National Public Radio) dorks and this was a nice evening with his folks. Which was our birthday presents this year.
We have been spending a lot of time at a friends house who is going through a rough patch. We have been helping him remodel his house and one or both of us has been over to see him almost every day for the last week. By this weekend our friend will have a new tile floor in his kitchen and hallway area. It's been fun working on his place and spending more time with him. I just wish it was under happier circumstances.
Work has been crazy busy and I've been busting my ass. But it's good.
I just started a 12 hour fast because I have ultrasounds tomorrow. One scan will be abdominal and the other will be on my kidney's. My nephrology appointment went well. Once we get all of my tests back (blood, urine, etc.) We will know more. But my Doc. and I are pretty sure I'm just at stage 1 Kidney failure. Which is the best. But he is just a little concerned about my diastolic blood pressure which is starting to creep up there.
No concrete weekend plans. There is lots to do though.