I know I should be sleeping... but instead I put in some time in the Brave Story game. =P OMG, I can't believe I was so stupid. I kept going back and forth between the sections of the Haunt, when all I had to do was go SW from that last save point... OTL; In the end, I had to look at an FAQ to stop me wondering why I wasn't finding the next part like I was supposed to. So, I also ended up being 15+ levels over what the guide suggested. LOL. Makes for easy boss fights. XD;
BUT, bird and frog?? I'm so loving this game (still)! X3
And I logged in to Youtube to upload a video clip, and...! Under "Recommended For You," they had Kingdom Hearts Animation. *o* Not gonna follow whatever drama might be in the comments of the video post on YT, but.. XD; It looks nice nonetheless.
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EDIT: I finally got the Udagawa wall video from Shibuya uploaded, so adding it onto this post as well. =D
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